Young Social Democrats

The Youth Wing of the Social Democratic Party


The Young Social Democrats (YSD) is the youth wing of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Formed in 2020, and comprised of SDP members under the age of 30, it is just like one of our many regional groups, except not attached to any part of Britain, instead acting as a community for the SDPs young members to come together.

Dedicated to the success of the SDP and seeing an SDP government one day, the YSD’s core aims are to promote the views of the SDPs younger members in shaping party strategy and policy, and to actively campaign for the support of other under 30s not currently in the SDP, at elections, youth political events and in university societies.

Through its website, social media, and supporting SDP campaigning across the UK, it aims to champion the core principles of Social Democracy and the SDP amongst Britain’s younger population and build a foundation for the SDP to compete against the establishment political parties for years to come.