In the week of its 2022 Annual Conference the Social Democratic Party (SDP) is pleased to announce that Councillor Richard Bright, who sits on Derbyshire District Council, has joined the party.  Councillor Bright is an experienced local campaigner and a former Conservative Candidate for Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

SDP Leader commented:

“I’m delighted that Cllr Bright has joined us.  Richard will be a great asset to the SDP in Derbyshire and the East Midlands.  We look forward to working with him.  It’s a strong vindication of how far the SDP has progressed that such senior Councillor has come aboard.   A magnificent boost – particularly after the SDP’s stunning victory in getting Councillor Wayne Dixon elected earlier this year in Leeds.”

Councillor Richard Bright commented:

“After over 20 years as a loyal and active member of the Conservative Party I’ve made the decision to become member of the SDP.  I can no longer be part of Conservative Party that is so out of touch with the people of this amazing country.  A cut in upper rate of tax is inappropriate at a time when families throughout Britain face such a difficult winter.

Even with a parliamentary majority the Conservatives have failed to produce a coherent energy policy and are in charge of an NHS where a 9 hour wait for Ambulance is now common place. 

The good people of the UK deserve better, and the SDP can deliver. I’m looking forward to being part of the SDP – a party that has what it takes to make real and lasting change in the UK.”

Family, Community, Nation.