Wednesday Night Fightback

Wednesday Night Fightback 5: Another banking crisis?

Are we heading for another banking crisis?

In our fifth Wednesday Night Fightback, Michael Taylor and William Clouston discuss the implications of recent international bank failures for the UK economy.

As the SDP warned in ‘The End of Indifference’, a debt-fuelled economic model cannot go on forever. Banks will be forced to tighten credit for years to come, which will impact businesses and households.

But are we heading for another financial crisis?

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  • Maybe the SDP should propose the financial services are properly re-regulated with a glass steagall act to seperate commercial and personal banking return to a good standard it was Thatcher and Reagan who deregulated the Banks in the 80s both parties useless Tory and Labour are unfit for office the SDP could be that much needed alternative to Sunak Starmer or Davey

29th March 2023

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