Dr Michael McGetrick

Chairman, SDP East of England

Michael McGetrick received his doctorate in physics from the University of London. His doctoral experimental research was carried out at the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, where he investigated the nature of defects – induced by phenomena such as metal fatigue, and nuclear reactor fission-induced damage – using the technique of matter-antimatter annihilation of electrons and positrons.

Michael started his career in academia, subsequently holding senior lectureship positions in physics.

Outside of academia, Michael has worked in a range of industries in various countries (South Africa, United Kingdom, Germany and Sweden) providing solutions to various clients in the military, government and corporate world.  Michael also spent time as Programme Manager for the United Kingdom Electronics Alliance, set up on the recommendation of the former Department of Trade and Industry, to address the challenges of the UK electronics sector during a period of rapid loss of manufacturing industry and off-shoring.

Michael stood as the SDP Parliamentary candidate for the constituency of Watford during the 2019 General Election, and currently serves on the SDP Advisory Committee on Economics and Industry Renewal.



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