Valerie Gray

Valerie Gray


Valerie spent her working life involved in Aviation, particularly in the field of aviation safety, and held a number of senior management posts within the Safety Regulation Group of the Civil Aviation Authority. She completed her career as a Seconded National Expert to the European Commission working within the Transport Directorate on aviation safety management issues.

Valerie joined the SDP in early 2019 having never been actively involved in politics before.  Despite having voted to remain in the EU she was appalled by the manoeuvrings of the main political parties in their attempts to overturn the democratic decision to leave.  She decided she could no longer remain a passive observer of events but needed to become active.  She chose to join the SDP because the New Declaration chimed with her own political convictions. Valerie has contributed to party activity by acting as a County Coordinator and then Secretary of the South East Region before taking up the post of Chair.  Valerie lives in Mid-Sussex.

Family, Community, Nation.