SDPtalk Podcasts

SDP Talks with Tim Stanley

Tim and William discuss political divides in Britain and the US, how poorly the main parties are aligned with their heartlands, and how well social conservatism sits with a purist stance on free trade.

In this episode of SDP Talks, SDP leader William Clouston speaks with the historian, author, and journalist Tim Stanley. Tim and Willam discuss political divides in America, the storming of the US Capitol, and the choices available to the Biden administration. Afterwards, they reflect on Britain’s “Red Wall” and the extent to which Labour and the Conservatives are culturally misaligned with it. Finally, Tim and William discuss how well social conservatism can sit with purism on free trade.

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All Comments ( 4 )

  • Hi William,

    I’ve only just rediscovered the SDP, but you are the Party I have been searching for for the last 5 years. Can you tell me where you will candidates in the up coming elections? Or is thst something you cannot disclose at the moment?

    I come in the Epsom & Ewell consituantancy, in Surrey.

    Keep up the good work!


    • I joined the party last April and will happily renew my membership when I get a reminder in a few weeks this Country is in a desperate need of a n alternative to the failed LibLabConSNP We need a written constitution and hopefully become a Federal republic were everyone is equal and not in nonsense like Royalty and entitlement

  • Very informative. Am seriously considering joining the SDP and have enjoyed various articles and youtube videos to inform my decision.
    Was wondering if there might be a clip or video interview produced regarding the Union, constitution and addressing nationalism both in scotland/ wales but also in Northern Ireland with the advent of the Irish sea trade border and NI protocol.? Overseas territories might also be included. Certainly a hot topic currently. Kind regards.

  • A good discussion, I was curious at the start how you were both shocked by Capitol Hill but didn’t mention BLM and antifa who have burned cities to the ground destroying whole communities.

    One the red wall, all the main parties are refusing to grasp the nettle that is immigration. It’s why Brexit won the 2016 refendum and why so many , up and down the country still feel they have no stake in democracy. Whenever the topic comes up it gets shut down immediately. I’m glad William seems aware of the concerns of many families. The Tories have been consistently promising action on this but continue to be inactive. Look at the porous borders we have now, with an 80 seat majority!

    If the SDP concentrate on the disillusioned and abandoned blue voters I think you will get some traction. We certainly need a viable alternative to the Red/Blue flip flopping of Lib, Lab and Con.

    You sound like you have the basis for some promising policies, I look forward to hearing more from you

21st January 2021