SDP Party Election Broadcast

The first national Party Election Broadcast for the Social Democratic Party (SDP) since the 1980s will be broadcast later today, Tuesday 18th June, on BBC1 (10:50pm) and ITV (10:40pm).

Its major theme is finding a voice for the millions of people who find themselves politically homeless. It will highlight some common aspirations of voters including affordable housing, decent publicly run utilities and a secure national border.

Commenting on the election broadcast, the SDP’s leader William Clouston said:

“So many fellow citizens feel ignored and patronised by the establishment political class.  We wanted to produce a film which explored this and which had a little humour in it.

The big message is that there is a party which shares the sensible majority public view on things like immigration and housing – it’s the SDP. 

Basically, that’s why the SDP is here – to give the public something decent to vote for.”

After its initial airing, the SDP’s election broadcast will be available for playback on BBC, ITV and other broadcasters.

Notes to Editors:

The SDP is a patriotic, economically left-leaning and culturally traditional party.

The SDP’s full manifesto, entitled ‘Homecoming’, can be found at

The SDP has been in continuous existence since the 1980s and under its leader William Clouston since 2018 has re-entered national political life and debate.

The SDP is fielding 122 candidates in this general election, the highest number since 1987.

The SDP’s Facebook page is at and its Twitter/X account at

For further information, please email