Riots and violent disorder

The violent disorder in towns and cities across the country is without precedent.  Anyone participating in rioting, looting, arson and attacks on the police and members of the public must be speedily identified, arrested and convicted.  Rioting is a direct threat not just to property but to to life and limb, and there is no justification for it.

Society does not commit crime  – individuals do.  However, everyone knows that social conditions also play a role in maintaining order.  Our political elites have – over half a century – managed to turn a high-trust, safe and culturally cohesive society into an unsafe, bitterly divided one.  These riots are a product of the Britain our political class has created, as successive governments failed to improve the living conditions and opportunities of millions of British people – particularly the low paid.  They have been too enthusiastic about mass immigration, naive about its inherent conflicts, and indifferent to our unity as a people.  Too many unassimilated British citizens and guests lead separate lives in separate communities, and those in power do not care.

For the government to regain the respect and confidence of the British people, three urgent tasks must be undertaken:  

First, we must gain control of the streets and restore order without delay – and without fear or favour.  People in the affected towns and cities must be able to return to their normal lives in safety and with confidence.  Those who have committed acts of violence and looting must be punished.

Secondly, we must ‘stop the boats’ and gain full control over the UK border.  To spend billions of pounds accommodating illegal migrants in hotels while cutting winter fuel payments for our own elderly population and overseeing widespread homelessness among our own citizens is monstrous.   It shows why so many no longer believe that those who govern them have their best interests at heart.  It is leading to a dangerous collapse in respect for government and for the law itself.  Elite complicity in an open border is at the root of this.

Thirdly, our governing class must end its reckless policy of mass immigration and replace it with domestic capital investment and expanded training opportunities for its own people.  Unprecedented immigration has been a reckless gamble, an experiment which has conclusively failed.  It is economically harmful, culturally reckless and socially destructive.  This weekend shows that it has damaged the only home we have on this earth.  It must stop now.

SDP Leader William Clouston states:

“The horrific events of the past few days have appalled so many of us.  First the savage murder of three girls and the terrible injury to many others in Southport and then a series of violent reactions all over the land. 

Those who govern us must get a firm grip on public safety without delay – but they must also be honest and admit that disastrous mistakes have been made over many years.  Our ruling elite must heed its errors and correct them before it can be trusted to lead the country onto a wiser, safer and more peaceful path.”