SDPtalk Podcasts

SDPtalk with Matt Goodwin

Matt and William discuss the emergence of a new elite and explore how its political and cultural dominance could be challenged

In this SDPtalk, William Clouston is joined by writer and academic Matt Goodwin, author of ‘Values, Voice and Virtue: The New British Politics’.

Matt and William discuss the emergence of Britain’s ‘new elite’ – an increasingly liberalised, globalised ruling class which dominates politics and culture. This has left millions of people feeling powerless, politically homeless, and stigmatised as being morally inferior. People are crying out for change and better representation, but there are promising signs that this dominance is starting to be challenged.

Link to Matt Goodwin’s substack:


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All Comments ( 1 )

  • The current Ruling class here in the UK and most of the Western World know they are on borrowed time Sturgeon Arden and Macron in particular have are in the process of being brought down how long will it be before Sunak and Starmer go the same way

12th March 2023

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